FitnessGram Completion Report

FitnessGram Completion Reports provide Teachers and Admins with the percentage of students who have data entered by component.

FitnessGram Completion Report by Role

The average completion percentage for the overall group (District, School, or Teacher) is shown at the top of the report. The report then shows a detailed percentage for each health-related fitness component.

Which students appear on the report?

Students in an active class during the date range selected are accounted for in this report.

How is the number of complete students calculated?

The FitnessGram Completion Report breaks down the data by each individual fitness component. A student is marked complete if they have a score or an exemption entered for each specific component. The percentage is then calculated based on the students that are marked as complete.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you notice the report has a lower percentage than expected, here are some things to check:

  1. Check Manage Classes. The number of students on the report is the number of students in active classes. If there are students in your class rosters that aren’t in your test events, they will count as incomplete in the Completion Report. If you are a teacher, work with your District Admin to remove students from your class rosters that shouldn’t be there. This will bring your percentage up.
  2. Click the +Add Students button in your test event. If there are students in your classes but they aren’t in your test events, they will appear in the +Add Students list. Add any students in the list to your test event, or remove them from your classes.
  3. Check the report filters selected. Make sure you are selecting the correct group of students. Use the grade level and class filters to focus on select groups of students.

How to Generate:

Click Menu and select Reports.


Select the FitnessGram Completion Report, and click View Report.


Select the report filters desired:

First, you will need to select the students you will be generating reports for.

Select Students_HistoryReport

Select the School Year you will be selecting your students from.

Next, select the School(s), Teacher(s) and Class(es) to filter your students. If selecting all, you can simply check the Select All checkbox and all entities you have permission to view be selected.

Grade will automatically default to Select All. If desired, click the dropdown to select specific filters.

Next, select the assessments you will be generating reports from.

Select Assessments_Completion

Start and End Dates will automatically default to the current school year. Change the month and day to capture a specific test window.

Test Type and Test Item Category will automatically default to Select All. Click the dropdown to select specific assessment types or test item categories.

Note: Test Type is set within the FitnessGram Test Event.

Lastly, select Report Output.

PYFA Report Output Filters 2018

View output will display reports in the report window next to the filters.


Download or print reports.

Schedule begins processing the reports without having to wait in the View Report screen (Preferred for large data sets).


An alert will display once you’ve clicked Run Report.

Reports can then be viewed in the Report Activity Screen. You do not have to remain logged in to wait for the report. Processing will continue to occur.


Once the report is ready, click Download Report.