Openers middles and closers in magic acts with talking

<a href=Openers and Closers by Paul A. Lelekis" width="" height="" />

Openers and Closers
Paul A. Lelekis
$ 12 ★★★★★

<a href=Openers and Closers 3 by Paul A. Lelekis" width="" height="" />

Openers and Closers 3
Paul A. Lelekis
$ 12 ★★★★ ★

A Close Up <a href=Show by Paul A. Lelekis" width="" height="" />

A Close Up Show
Paul A. Lelekis
$ 9 ★★★★★

Killerz! by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul A. Lelekis
$ 12 ★★★★★

<a href=The Magic of Michael Skinner by Paul A. Lelekis" width="" height="" />

The Magic of Michael Skinner
Paul A. Lelekis
$ 12 ★★★ ★ ★