Please enter your crime number above to get the current update on the status of your crime.
Your crime number is an eleven digit number - in this format: 132********
This page allows you to quickly and easily check the status of a previously reported crime - it allows you to:
Simply enter your crime reference number. Your crime reference number is an eleven digit number and begins 1 3 2.
This provides you, as a victim of crime, the choice to monitor the status of your crime online 24 hours per day.
Once you've checked the system for an update you can also use the leave an officer a message contact form - which will send a message direct to the officer handling your case.
Using the leave an officer a message form is often quicker and easier than calling 101 as it allows you to directly message the officer responsible for your crime.
Ask the Police is an official police resource that provides the answers to a wide variety of policing questions frequently asked by the general public.
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The Help and Advice section of our website covers advice on our services, crime prevention advice and many other topics.
The Victim Support website is an excellent resource and gives support lines that you can call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Also available from Victim Support is live online chat - again available to you 24 hours a day.