Room Changes

We understand that adjusting to a new residence community or living with roommates can sometimes be challenging. If you encounter any difficulties, please first reach out to your Don. They will assist you and, if needed, help you set up a meeting with your Residence Life Coordinator for further support.

After you move into your residence, we allow some time for everyone to settle in and get to know their new environment. Often, the initial stress of moving to campus, Orientation Week, building new connections, and starting classes subsides by the end of the second week. At this point, many students find that their concerns about room or building transfers have resolved themselves. However, if you still feel that your current location is not suitable for you, please contact us for further assistance.

Initiating a room change

Room changes can only be granted when and where vacancies exist within our residences. To initiate a room change, you must complete a Room Change Request Form on the Student Residence and Dining Portal outlining why you feel a room change is necessary and detailing what efforts you have made to address and resolve issues.

Please read the important information on this page before submitting your request.

The room change process will open on September 9th, 2024.

Information about requesting a room change

Interior of a room in Smith House. Room features a bed, desk, and some shelving.

View of the side of Brant House on a sunny day. Gordon Brockington House is in the background.

​​A double room in Jean Royce Hall. Room features two beds, desks, and wardrobes.

Students in multi-occupancy rooms

Communication is key to a successful relationship between you and your roommate, but some topics may be hard to discuss.

Remember, as a roommate, you have responsibilities to:

If you are in a multi-occupancy room, before completing a room change request form, you will be expected to have: