Upon completion of the requirements and upon being recommended for graduation by the faculty, and approved by the Board of Trustees, the undergraduate receives one of the following degrees:
To qualify for a Bachelor of Science degree from Colorado School of Mines, all candidates must satisfy the following requirements:
Seniors must submit an Application to Graduate upon completion of 90 hours (upon obtaining senior class standing). Applications are completed online through the student's Trailhead account.
Completed Minor and ASI forms are normally due to the Registrar's Office at the same as the application to graduate. If the minor or ASI is added later, it is due no later than the first day of the term in which the student is graduating.
It is the responsibility of students to monitor the progress of their degrees. It is also the student’s responsibility to contact the Registrar’s Office when there appears to be a discrepancy between the degree audit and the student’s records.
No students, graduate or undergraduate, will receive diplomas until they have complied with all the rules and regulations of Colorado School of Mines and settled all accounts with the school. Transcript of grades and other records will not be provided for any student or graduate who has an unsettled obligation of any kind to the school.
A student wishing to complete two Bachelor of Science degrees must complete the first degree plus a minimum of thirty hours specific to the second degree program. The 30 (or more) hours required for the second degree may not include free electives and may not be double counted with any credit used to complete the first degree. The degree plan for the second degree must be approved by the advisor, the department head, and the Registrar’s Office representing Academic Affairs.
When two degrees are completed concurrently, the first degree is the one with fewer total hours required for graduation. In the case of a returning student, the first degree is the original completed degree. The two degrees may be in different colleges. The degree plan may include courses from multiple departments. Different catalogs may be used, one for each degree program. The student receives two separate diplomas. The transcript lists both degrees.
A student may not earn two degrees in the same content area because the course requirements, content, and titles do not significantly differ.
The following combinations are not allowable:
BS in Engineering, Mechanical Specialty & BS in Mechanical Engineering
BS in Engineering, Electrical Specialty & BS in Electrical Engineering
BS in Engineering, Environmental Specialty & BS in Environmental Engineering
BS in Engineering, Civil Specialty & BS in Civil Engineering
BS in Mathematics & Computer Science & BS in Applied Math and Statistics
BS in Mathematics & Computer Science & BS in Computer Science
BS in Chemical Engineering & BS in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Once the degree is posted, grade changes will be accepted for six weeks only. After six weeks has passed, no grade changes will be allowed for any courses on the official transcript.
To participate in May commencement, no more than 6 semester credit hours can remain outstanding after the spring term. The student must show proof of summer registration for these 6 or fewer credits in order to be placed on the list for August completion. To participate in December convocation, the undergraduate student must be registered for all courses that lead to completion of the degree at the end of the same fall term.
For returning students who wish to use courses completed more than 10 years prior, contact the Registrar’s Office. These courses will not apply to current degrees without special approval from the degree-granting department, and the department in which the course is taught.