Digital Marketer Resume Guide & Samples

Digital marketing

If you are scouting for a new job opportunity as a Digital Marketer, reviewing a well-crafted Digital Marketer resume sample is always a smart maneuver to get your job-seeking journey off to the right start. The purpose of a Digital Marketer is to develop, implement, and manage marketing campaigns to create awareness and promote a company’s brand and its products. You would be playing a major role in enhancing brand credibility in the digital sphere, drive website traffic, and draw new customers. In the piece below, we have consolidated the most important guidelines that you need to follow to land your dream job as a Digital Marketer.

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18 Digital Marketer Resume Examples

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Resume Example Digital Marketer Resume Sample Digital Marketer

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Resume Example Digital Marketer Resume Sample Digital Marketer

Resume Template Digital Marketer Resume Example Digital Marketer

The Great Digital Marketer Resume Guide

Resume Sections

1. Contact Information:

2. Career Summary:
Your potential value for the business should be summarized in a career synopsis of 3-6 lines. When a hiring manager is quickly skimming through a stack of resumes, the part that’s going to catch their eye is the synopsis. Start with your job title and one or two certifications, then mention a specialist skill and top it off with the main purpose of your current role.

3. Qualifications Summary:
You do not require a formal degree to land a digital marketing job, but if you have them, flaunt them. List the necessary particulars such as duration (date started, date completed), degree name, major subject disciplines, institution attended, and location.

4. Relevant Digital Marketing Experience:
According to statistics, 40% of all marketing roles require digital skills, and your experience should reflect the hip and happening trends of the last few years. Use the job advertisement as your guideline and focus on tailoring your experience section to reflect the must-haves and nice to haves mentioned in the job ad. Bullet points (up to five per role) keeps the format neat and tidy. Use a reverse-chronological format to present your employment history of the last ten years only. Your resume length should not exceed two pages.

5. Other Employment Experience:
If you don’t have much or any digital marketing experience and are applying for your first digital marketing role, look for relevance from your previous experience in terms of job duties and skills that may be replicated in the digital marketing sector and include those in your job descriptions. You may also have informal digital marketing experience gained while studying or during volunteering, so be sure to mention them as well.

6. Skills Summary/Key Skills:
Read through the job ad a few times to identify the most crucial capabilities required and then mirror these in your skills section. Many recruiters follow an SEO approach where they use certain keywords during their searches for candidates. This means that if your resume does not contain the keywords on their criteria, your application would not be selected when a list of suitable candidates is generated.

7. Relevant Coursework/Training/Accreditations:
In digital marketing, certifications are the “new degrees’’. List all the credentials you have pertaining to digital marketing and further mention any relevant industry memberships or learning programs you have attained.

What to Highlight in a Digital Marketer Resume

Marketing Directors and Media Managers would look for Digital Marketers that can develop innovative media strategies, create exciting content and analyze web and social media analytics to unearth valuable information about their target audiences and potential customer pools.

However, the purpose of a Digital Marketer’s role goes way beyond making websites, writing articles, and analyzing online traffic. To even be considered for an interview in this cut-throat industry requires a superbly crafted resume document focusing on aspects that would add value to the company’s bottom line in the end.

The first aspect to highlight is the digital channels you are familiar with and utilize to build brand awareness and attract customer leads. The main types of digital channels are: company websites, social media, search engine rankings, email marketing, online display ads, and corporate blogs

Next, explain your competencies in using measurable analytics to identify room for improvement in these channels and implement methods to turn channel weaknesses into channel strengths to improve their overall performance.

Then you can move over to the audio-visual side of your experience and explain to hiring managers how you would produce basic video content, create scripts, and conduct editing activities.

SEO & SEM experience would be important to recruiters as well, because online searches drive digital ads. Your knowledge of search engine optimization and search engine marketing mentioning current best practices that you follow, will assure the reader that you understand the fundamental principles of digital marketing.

Next up is your creative writing skills to produce engaging and appealing content. A smart idea is to provide a section of URL links in your resume that directs the reader to examples of case studies, whitepapers, blogs, ebooks, or how-to guides that you have written in the past.

Another point to address is your understanding of analytics and data-driven digital marketing strategies. You need to explain the methodologies and tools used to monitor campaigns and how you would use the information gathered to track consumer behavior. From there, give examples of what you did to create better solutions to increase conversions and drive traffic to your various platforms

Design Thinking is another bullet in the competency arsenal of a Digital Marketer because the user experience is key to attracting and retaining customers. Recruiters would be interested to know what kind of measures you implement to ensure that user experiences are simple and effective; for example, how to access online sites or using customized apps.

Finally, explain to hiring managers what your understanding of engagement principles. You may perhaps mention your power of persuasion talents that help you to create innovative campaigns to attract interest or how the wordsmith in you can influence customer buying decisions and convert customer interest into customer purchases.

*Cool Tip for stellar resume

As the icing on the cake, create a portfolio showcase of visual examples of your work on Instagram or Pinterest and share this link with the reader.

Tech & Tools

A digital marketer has to identify and evaluate new digital technologies to optimize campaigns, online advertising, and social media engagement strategies. To accomplish this, you need to be digitally savvy, and on top of the latest tools and tech. The best way to present your digital skills is via a technology stack, such as the one below. Be sure to include web coding and content management applications to as these are imperative to the digital marketing industry.

Trello, Mopinion, KissMetrics, Asana, Slack, Jive, Evernote, MixPane
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit, Tumblr
WordPress, Drupal CMS Platforms, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign
Insightly, Campaign Monitor, SendGrid, AWeber, InsightSquared
BuzzSumo, Hootsuite, Social Render Forest, Buffer, Sprout, Sugar CRM
Salesforce, Qwilr, Salesforce CRM, CPQ, seProposals, Proposify
Pipedrive, Mailchimp, Zoho CRM, PandaDoc, Salesfusion

How to Write a Digital Marketer Career Objective

An eye-grabbing career summary is a great place to provide an overview of who you are and what your digital marketing skills, as well as writing abilities entail.

Write down a list of everything you are good at, pertaining to digital marketing and then use these phrases to string together 3-6 sentences that sync with the requirements of the job description. Your career summary should really pack a punch and always be customized to the role you are applying to. Keep in mind that your career summary could either be the first or, sadly, the last paragraph that a hiring manager will read from your resume.

Examples of Career Objectives:

Career Summary 1

Competent Digital Marketer with seven years of experience in SEO marketing, Google Adwords, and Instagram content building. Successfully increased organic revenue by 80% for an array of small and medium businesses in the food retail sector. Especially seasoned in eCommerce marketing and brand building. Currently completing a Master’s Degree in Marketing Management.”

Career Summary 2

Enthusiastic and tech-savvy Digital Marketer with three years of experience in building a digital-first online culture for a large corporate organization. Highly adept at implementing competitive analysis and consumer trend reports, which increase quarterly sales by 20% from mainly online purchases. Proficient in web coding and copywriting and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Marketing Management.

Career Summary 3

Seasoned Digital Marketing professional with over 12 years of experience in creating, maintaining, and running large scale digital marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies to increase awareness and creating purchase conversions from previously brick and mortar sales on online sales.

Digital Marketer Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

An employer would expect to see specific job duties and skillsets in a Digital Marketer resume, and we have included a few job descriptions below for you to use when creating the employment section in your resume.


Digital Marketing Generic:
Digital Marketing – SEO Management:
Digital Marketing – Content Marketing:
Digital Marketing – Social Media Management:
Digital Marketing – Marketing Automation:

Highlight Your Accomplishments

The accomplishment section of your resume should be treated as your unique digital marketing tool. Representing achievements, accolades, and accomplishments in a separate section are crucial to pitch your candidacy ahead of the pack. Your accomplishment statements should answer the following questions:

Focus on telling the reader what you achieved and not the duties you performed.

The final trick to impressive accomplishment statements is quantification. This means that you have to include numerical values in your achievement claims. Resume quantification is proven to boost a candidate’s credibility rating and improve the probabilities for interviews.

Examples of accomplishment statements for a Digital Marketer’s resume:

Digital Marketer Education Section

Like many marketing roles, digital marketers are often required to complete Bachelor Degrees in marketing disciplines, even to be considered. Added to that, certifications, continuous learning, and industry memberships are essential credentials that recruiters would look for in your resume.

Keep the format of your education clean and straightforward. List academic credentials in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent qualifications first.


Current – Master’s Degree in Online Marketing Management, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Course Curriculum: Advertising and Promotion, Applied Technology for Managers, International Issues in Business, Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior

2019 – Bachelor of Science, New Media & Internet Marketing, Cornell University. Ithaca, NY

Coursework: Marketing Strategy and Planning, Marketing Information, Management and Research, Buyer Behavior Theory, Global Marketing.

2019 – Certificate in Hootsuite Social Marketing, Udemy, Online

2018 – Certified Professional Marketer, American Marketing Association (AMA), Online

2018 – Facebook Certified Planning Professional, Online

2017 – Facebook Certified Buying Professional, Online

Digital Marketer Resume Skills

Although the digital marketing field requires specific technical competencies that relate to your competencies in creative writing, campaign analysis, and strategic planning, for example, companies also look for soft skills and interpersonal traits in this field.

Want to get noticed? Then you have to flatter the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and screening bots. These applications are programmed to identify specific keywords in resumes that relate to the requirements of the job advertisement and populate a list for recruiters to review. If you want your application to be selected, the critical skills used in your resume should reflect those used in the job posting.

A smart way to do this is via Skills Matrix Tables, such as the ones below. Note that we divided skills into technical competences and interpersonal traits.

Technical Competencies

Content StrategyOnline StrategySEO
SEMIdentify Target AudiencesContent Creation
Video EditingDigital Marketing ObjectivesOptimizing Website Structures
Analyze Traffic PatternsE-Commerce SitesUser Interface Design
Social NetworkingGoogle AdWordsEngagement Strategies
Landing PagesDisplay AdvertisingCampaign Management
Viral MarketingMobile AdvertisingPay Per Clicks
ZapierTag ManagerHotjar
User FunnelsServicing ToolsWebsite Analytics

Interpersonal Traits

EnthusiasticDeadline DrivenTime Management
EnergeticPattern IdentificationTeam Player
Self-MotivatedCollaborationResults Orientated
CommunicationIntellectual CuriosityAccountable
MeticulousAttention to DetailPersuasive

Qualifications/Certifications associated with Digital Marketers

Certified Planning ProfessionalGoogle Analytics DiplomaFacebook Certified Buying ProfessionalHubSpot Content Marketing Certification
Facebook Blueprint Certified Buying ProfessionalHubspot Content Marketing CertificationAMA Certified Professional MarketerHubspot Inbound Marketing Certification
Google Ads CertificationCopyblogger Certified Content MarketerFundamentals of Digital Marketing CertificationHootsuite Social Media Certification
YouTube CertificationBing Ads Accredited Professional CertificationCertified Digital Marketing ProfessionalGoogle’s Digital Garage Suite
Associates Degree in Digital MarketingBachelors Degree in Online Marketing AnalyticsCertified Sales ProfessionalWeb Coding Expert Certificate

Professional information for Digital Marketers

Sectors: Online Media, Advertising, Media, Promotions, Marketing, Broadcasting
Career Type: Customer Retention, Marketing Professional, Networking, Client Acquisition, Campaign Management, Advertising, Analytics, Copywriting, Blogging, Vlogging, SEO, SEM
Person type: Writer, Persuader, Marketer, Promoter, Influencer, Networker, Communicator, Negotiator, Analyzer, Facilitator, Content Writer, Story Teller, Scheduler.
Education levels: Bachelor level to Masters’ Degree, Post-School Certifications
Salary indication: Average salary of $61,704 per year
Labor market: Expected growth of 8% between 2018 – 2028
Organizations: Small & Medium Enterprises, Public Sector, Corporate, Commercial, Charities, Fortune 500, Multi-National, NPO’s, Federal, State, Government, Consulting.