Sales agency agreement template

Create and automate agreements in minutes with this free sales agency agreement template.

Sales agency agreement template preview

Sales agency agreement template preview

Our templates are for general information only. You should not rely on them, and Juro is not liable for any reliance on them. The templates might contain errors, including unlawful provisions and might create risks and liabilities if used. The templates are not legal advice, nor a substitute for it. By accessing any template, you accept these terms and agree that any use is at your own risk. Some of these templates were created using generative AI with human-assisted prompts.

A sales agency agreement is a pivotal tool for companies looking to expand their market reach through partnerships without directly increasing their sales force.

This comprehensive guide will delve into what a sales agency agreement entails, its purpose, the management of such agreements, their typical usage, and the key components that should be included in a robust template.

We’ll also explore the advantages of automating this process with solutions like Juro.

What is a sales agency agreement?

A sales agency agreement is a contract between a company (the principal) and an individual or business (the agent) who agrees to promote and sell the company's products or services.

This agreement spells out the details of the relationship, including what the agent is responsible for, how they will be paid, and how long the agreement lasts, among other things. But we’ll discuss those elements of a contract later.

What is the purpose of a sales agency agreement?

The primary purpose of a sales agency agreement is to formalize the relationship between the principal and the agent, ensuring there is a mutual understanding of each party's roles and responsibilities. This includes:

Who manages sales agency agreements?

In larger organizations, the management of sales agency agreements is typically handled by legal and commercial teams. These teams are responsible for creating, negotiating, and executing contracts.

Here's how it works in more detail:

  1. Drafting the agreement: Legal and commercial teams work together to write the contract. They outline what the agent will do, how they will be paid, and other important terms.
  2. Negotiating terms: These teams also handle discussions with the agent to agree on the final terms. This ensures both the company and the agent are satisfied with the deal.
  3. Ensuring compliance: Once the agreement is in place, the teams monitor the contract’s performance to ensure both parties follow the contract terms. This includes checking that the agent meets sales targets and the company pays commissions on time.

In smaller companies, the process is a bit different. Here, the business owner or a senior manager often takes on these tasks. They might draft and negotiate the agreement themselves, but they usually seek advice from an external lawyer. This external legal counsel helps make sure the agreement covers all legal requirements and protects the company.

In both cases, the goal is the same: to create a clear, fair contract or agreement that benefits both the company and the sales agent, while ensuring all legal aspects are properly addressed.

When are sales agency agreements used?

Sales agency agreements are especially useful in scenarios where a company wishes to enter new geographic markets or expand its product lines without the added burden of building a local sales team.

Industries where these agreements are commonly used include in manufacturing, where companies that produce goods often employ agents to handle sales in diverse regions, and software and technology, where firms might leverage agents to promote their products across different markets to maximise reach without scaling their direct sales force. These agreements might also be used in the fashion and apparel industry, where brands use agents to place their products in various retail outlets and manage regional sales activities.

What should a sales agency agreement template include?

A comprehensive sales agency agreement template should cover the following key components in detail:

The manual approach to managing sales agency agreement templates

The manual approach to managing sales agency agreement templates can be highly inefficient and prone to errors, involving several steps:

Multiple iterations of document drafts

Drafting sales agency agreements often requires numerous revisions. Each iteration involves reviewing, editing, and reformatting the document, which can be time-consuming. This back-and-forth process can lead to inconsistencies and missed updates, causing confusion and potential legal issues.

Physical storage and management of paper contracts

Storing paper versions of sales agency agreements requires physical space, such as filing cabinets or storage rooms. Organizing and maintaining these documents can be labor-intensive. Over time, documents can be misplaced, damaged, or lost, making it difficult to retrieve important information when needed.

Time-consuming processes for approval and signature

Obtaining approvals and signatures on sales agency agreements involves manual processes, such as printing, scanning, mailing, or physically delivering documents. This can lead to delays, especially if signatories are in different locations. Coordinating schedules for in-person signings can further slow down the process.

Risk of human error in contract creation and data entry

Manually creating contracts increases the likelihood of errors in drafting, such as typos, incorrect information, or omissions. Data entry mistakes can occur when transferring information from drafts to final documents or into contract management spreadsheets. These errors can lead to misunderstandings, disputes, and potential financial or legal consequences.

Tracking and compliance challenges

Manually tracking contract status, milestones, and compliance requirements is difficult and can result in missed deadlines or overlooked obligations. This lack of oversight can expose the company to legal and financial risks.

Limited visibility and collaboration

Paper contracts are not easily accessible to multiple stakeholders, making collaboration and information sharing challenging. Team members may need to physically access the documents, leading to delays and inefficiencies in communication.

Inefficiencies in updating and maintaining templates

Updating sales agency agreement templates to reflect changes in laws, regulations, or company policies is labor-intensive. Ensuring all stakeholders use the most current version of a template can be difficult, leading to inconsistencies and potential non-compliance.

Automate sales agency agreements with Juro

Fortunately, transitioning to an intelligent contract management solution like Juro can transform the way your business manages sales agency agreements and other templated contracts.

It does this in a few key ways:

Enhancing efficiency

Juro's AI-powered tools streamline the creation, approval, and management of agreements. This automation reduces the time spent on manual tasks, allowing teams to focus on higher-value activities.

Reducing risk

AI-driven contract review and risk assessments ensure that all agreements are accurate and comply with relevant regulations. This reduces the likelihood of errors and mitigates legal risks.

Improving collaboration

Juro enables real-time, multi-party editing and approval. This feature cuts down the time needed for negotiation cycles, as all stakeholders can work together on a sales agency agreement seamlessly from any location.

Integrating systems

Juro connects seamlessly with existing CRM and project management tools like Monday, Asana, Clickup, and more. This integration maintains workflow continuity and ensures that all relevant data is synchronized across platforms.

Providing insights

Juro's contract analytics feature offers strategic insights into contract performance and potential risk areas. These insights help businesses make informed decisions and improve overall contract management processes.

Juro's AI-native contract automation platform empowers all teams to create, agree, execute and manage contracts up to 10x faster than traditional tools. To find out more, hit the button below to book your personalized demo.