Schizophrenia is characterized mainly, by the gross distortion of reality, withdrawal from social interaction, disorganization and fragmentation of perception, thoughts and emotions. Insight is an important concept in clinical psychiatry, a lack of insight is particularly common in schizophrenia patient. Previous studies reported that between 50-80% of patients with schizophrenia do not believe, they have a disorder. By the help of psychological assessment, we can come to know an individual's problems especially in cases, where patient is hesitant or has less insight into illness. Assessment is also important for the psychological management of the illness. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of that particular individual with psychological analysis tools can help to make better plan for the treatment. The present study was designed to assess the cognitive functioning, to elicit severity of psychopathology, understanding diagnostic indicators, personality traits that make the individual vulnerable to the disorder and interpersonal relationship in order to plan effective management. Schizophrenia is a chronic disorder, characterized mainly by the gross distortion of reality, withdrawal from social interaction, and disorganization and fragmentation of perception, thought and emotion. Approximately, 1% world population suffering with the problem of Schizophrenia. Both male and female are almost equally affected with slight male predominance. Schizophrenia is socioeconomic burden with suicidal rate of 10% and expense of 0.02-1.65% of GDP spent on treatment. Other co-morbid factors associated with Schizophrenia are diabetes, Obesity, HIV infection many metabolic disorders etc. Clinically, schizophrenia is a syndrome of variables symptoms, but profoundly disruptive, psychopathology that involves cognition, emotion, perception, and other aspects of behavior. The expression of these manifestations varies across patients and over the time, but the effect of the illness is always severe and is usually long-lasting. Patients with schizophrenia usually get relapse after treatment. The most common cause for the relapse is non-adherent with the medication. The relapse rate of schizophrenia increases later time on from 53.7% at 2 years to
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Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric illness with high rate of relapse which is commonly associated with noncompliance of medicine, as well as stress and high expressed emotions. The objective of the study was to determine the factors of relapse among the schizophrenic patients attending in outpatient departments of three tertiary level psychiatric facilities in Bangladesh. This was a cross sectional study conducted from July, 2001 to June, 2002. Two hundred patients including both relapse and nonrelapse cases of schizophrenia and their key relatives were included by purposive sampling. The results showed no statistically significant difference in terms of relapse with age, sex, religion, residence, occupation and level of education (p>0.05), but statistically significant difference was found with marital status and economic status (p<0.01). The proportion of non-compliance was found to be 80% and 14%, of high expressed emotion was 17% and 2% and of the occurrence of stressf.
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