Health Care that Works for Americans

On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, putting in place comprehensive reforms that improve access to affordable health coverage for everyone and protect consumers from abusive insurance company practices.

If you are one of the millions of Americans who gets health insurance through work or through a program like Medicare, you are benefiting from rights and consumer protections. The law is making sure consumers and their doctors — not insurance companies — are in charge.

If you are uninsured or are struggling to find affordable health insurance, the health care law brings you options to get covered. A Health Insurance Marketplace in every state offers consumers a choice of private health plans. If you don’t have health insurance, you can qualify for financial help to lower the cost of premiums in the Marketplace, and many Americans can get a plan for less than $100 per month. Learn more and sign up for coverage at

Understanding the Reforms

Here are the key facts about the Affordable Care Act.